In addition to the Monday hill training, the Thursday interval sessions on the track are a vital part of a weekly training programme. The result will be improved race times without even an increased effort during the race. 

A structured programme regarding hill and track sessions is followed and also works up to a specific marathon, Two Oceans, or Comrades.  Each session’s programme is alternated so that it is seldom repeated.

The “Time Trial” of the first Tuesday of the month is used to see how members are progressing.  There is a “Balke Session” every few months to evaluate a member’s progress.

Every Monday and Thursday BEFORE a session, an e-mail or WhatsApp is sent out to members to prepare them for the day’s session, and feedback is given on Tuesdays and Fridays AFTER a session.

This session is also part of the Zest group and is open to everyone.

Day:  Thursdays
Distance:  Speed Sessions
Venue: Strand High School, park in the parking area opposite the school’s entrance
Time:  17:30 (winter)/ 17:45 (summer)

Christie Engelbrecht

Cell: 0727076795